What is the 500MB per file per day limitation?

When initiating a backup with Datto Workplace, the backup commences immediately, and all files within the specified location are backed up. If a file is added to a location that has been specified for backup, then the Datto Workplace Desktop Agent automatically recognises this and begins backing up the file in its entirety. There is a limitation to this process, explained below, that must be considered.

The 500MB per file per day limitation

If any changes are made to a file after the initial backup, then subsequent backups of that file will be limited to 500MB per day. For example, if a 1.75GB file is changed daily, then the 500MB per day limitation will mean that the file is backed up only on every fourth day.

Exemptions to the 500MB per file per day limitation

If a file meets any of the following criteria, then the 500MB per day limitation is ignored, and the file will backup when a change occurs regardless of the size of the file:

  • File size larger than 5MB, and the extension is .data, or .xml, or .db.
  • File size larger than 10MB, and the extension is .pst, or the word "database" appears in the filename.

If Datto Workplace Desktop Agent for Windows attempts to back up a file and fails because the file is busy, then it waits to see if the file becomes available. If the file does not become available, it utilises the built-in Windows VSS mechanism to ensure your data always gets backed up.