Innovation Workshop: Application Modernisation

Sign up to discover how to prepare your business applications for the Cloud

Discover how you can elevate your business assets for the cloud era

For many businesses planning their cloud adoption journey, one of the first steps is ensuring that your applications are cloud-ready. As the experts, we got you covered.

Our Cloud Evangelist, Leon Godwin, is running interactive workshops for businesses that are looking to transform legacy applications into cloud-ready assets. Based on your business goals, this two-way discussion will help you understand what your next steps should be for modernising your applications. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the building blocks for building a business case for Application Modernisation.

During the workshop, we will cover:


You will have the chance to discuss the specific challenges you are facing before we dive into exploring your application modernisation needs, to make sure outcomes are relevant and actionable for your business.


Together, we’ll explore the 6Rs of app modernisation and you’ll understand how to develop a strategy for accomplishing each one as part of an app mod project.

Build a roadmap

We will help you bridge the gap between your current and target state by building a roadmap for your application modernisation journey.

Businesses that have attended our events