Employee Spotlight: Vedant Nemane

Vedant Nemane works as a Junior Developer in our Bath office as his year-long placement part of his Computer Science course at the University of Bath. We managed to ask Vedant some questions about his time with Cloud Direct so far.  

What’s your role in Cloud Direct?  

I work within the business system team to help optimise the various pieces of software Cloud Direct uses. In particular, my role involves debugging, testing, and adding enhancements to our ServiceNow software. 

What brought you to Cloud Direct, and how did you get here? 

I found Cloud Direct through browsing my university’s placement advertisement boards. Previously, I’ve led and taught a Code Club at my local library and worked as an assistant badminton coach. With no formal experience in the industry, I was hesitant about the value I could add to a company. However, I was pleasantly surprised with the speed and ease that I became deeply involved with their systems.  

Cloud Direct’s proposition as a placement company was irresistible due to its foothold in the Azure services. You know you’ve found the right company when its customers can advocate for the quality of service that it provides. 

What does your average day look like? 

I work with Levente, who is an expert at the inner workings of ServiceNow, who guides me in being more effective in my role. My frequent communication happens with my team leader, Martha, is also an asset to my time at Cloud Direct being spent as wisely as possible. My time at Cloud Direct is always spent wisely, due to the frequent communication with my team leader, Martha. 

We have daily meetings in the morning where we discuss tasks and problems we have encountered, followed by independent problem-solving and coding my way through various issues and requests. 

What do you enjoy the most about your job and working for Cloud Direct? 

An aspect of my job that I enjoy, is getting to work on software that matters to others. The assurance that I contributed to a piece of code that is used in a real-world setting, brings immense satisfaction and gratification. Constantly adapting, improvising, and overcoming obstacles in a day-to-day scenario has made me more resilient and confident about tackling anything that is thrown my way.   

I also enjoy the sense of community and events that we partake in outside of work. 

How has Cloud Direct supported your career? 

Being a university student with little experience of the outside world, I want to become a more proficient and experienced developer. There is no place better than Cloud Direct to hone my skills and test my ability to do just that: a constant influx of technical challenges, imposed on the canvas of a swathe of technologies, continues to be a gift that keeps on giving. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

I go to the gym (discounted thanks to Cloud Direct’s perks) mixed with socialising opportunities which take up most of my time.