Innovation Workshop: Data & AI

Sign up to discover how your business can drive innovation with Data and AI.

Discover how you can leverage AI and Data to power your business

Many businesses are looking to adopt AI and transform the way they manage their data, but before doing so, it’s important you understand how AI be adopted by your business.

Our Cloud Evangelist, Leon Godwin, is running interactive workshops for businesses that are looking to understand exactly how their business can adopt Data and AI. This workshop is designed to be a strategic two-way discussion based on your specific business need so you can gain clarity on what your next steps should be. By the end of the workshop, you will have the building blocks for building a business case for Data and AI.

During the workshop, we will cover:


You will have the chance to discuss the specific challenges you are facing before we dive into exploring the power and impact of data management in Azure and implementing AI.

Live AI demo

Interactive demonstration of a machine learning model or managing data with Synapse Analytics. We will run through data management services, such as machine learning, data factory, data bricks and data lake.

Build a roadmap

We will help you bridge the gap between your current and target state by mapping the many data and AI cloud services to your business needs.

Businesses that have attended our events